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For a user's convenience the list of statistical terms (24) is presented in an alphabetical order. For that purpose the alphabet letters are provided with hyperlinks from which one can switch over to the list of statistical terms whose names begin with the selected letter. Next to the names there is a symbolby which one can switch over to the explanation of the statistical term and other metadata. By hyperlinks from the term's name one can switch over to the table or list of tables corresponding to that term.
Actual population
Average age
Burden of persons aged 65 years and over
Burden of persons aged 0-14 years
City with special status (CSS)
Dead children (infant death rate) under 1 year of age
Deaths (death rate)
District in a city
Live births (live-born)
Marriage dissolutions
Natural increase/decrease(+/-) of population
Permanent population
Population density
Rural area
Rural settlement (RS)
Total demographic burden
Urban area
Urban and rural areas
Urban type settlement (UTS)
Village council
Actual population
Actual population - is made up of the persons who at the moment of registration reside at a certain settlement regardless of their permanent place of residence including visitors.
- Definition source
"Demographic statistics" - Kyiv, ÊNÅU, 2003 - p.13.
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Basic term (primary) - Population.
- Secondary (subordinate) terms - Arrival, departure, births, deaths.
- Contents and methodology
ÍÍ=ÏÍ-ÒÂ+ÒÏ, where ÍÍ-actual population, ÏÍ-permanent population, ÒÂ-temporary absentees, ÒÏ- visitors; the number of the actual population on the 1st of January of the current year is determined on the basis of the data at the beginning of the previous year taking into account natural and migration increase as well as changes in the population number due to administrative and territorial transformations (ATT) for the previous year.
- Statistical unit - Person.
- Statistical sources
The data of population censuses, calculations according to the data of the current accounting of the processes of natural (acts of civil status of the departments of Justice) and mechanical movement (residence registration (removal from the register) cards at the place of residence).
- Publications
1. Statistical handbook "The number of the actual population in Ukraine, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC (annual).
2. Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine", Kyiv, SSC.![]()
Average age
Average age - weighted arithmetic mean of person-years to the total number of population.
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Basic term (primary) - Population.
- Secondary (subordinate) terms - Age.
- Contents and methodology
It is expressed as weighted arithmetic mean by division of the total number of person-years (the sum of products of age values increased by 0.5 by the number of population at this age) by the total number of the population.
where:- age value (a middle of j age group interval);
- last age group;
- the number of persons of j age group.
- Statistical sources
Is computed by State Statistics Service of Ukraine.
- Publications
1. Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine", Kyiv, SSC.
2. Statistical handbook "Distribution of the permanent population in Ukraine by gender and age, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC (annual).![]()
Burden of persons aged 65 years and over
Burden of persons aged 65 years and over - a qualitative characteristic of the age structure of population showing burden on a society of above working age persons.
- Definition source
Statistical handbook "Distribution of the permanent population in Ukraine by gender and age, as of January 1, 2009", Kyiv, SSC, p.6.
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Basic term (primary) - Population, over working age, in working age.
- Secondary (subordinate) terms - Live births, deaths, age.
- Contents and methodology
It is calculated as the ratio of the number of persons in pension age (above working age) to the number of the population in working age.
- Statistical sources
The data of population censuses, calculations according to the data of the current accounting of the processes of natural (acts of civil status of the departments of Justice) and mechanical movement (residence registration (removal from the register) cards at the place of residence).
- Publications
1. Statistical handbook "Distribution of the permanent population in Ukraine by gender and age, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC (annual).![]()
Burden of persons aged 0-14 years
Burden of persons aged 0-14 years - a qualitative characteristic of the age structure of population showing a burden on a society of under working age people (aged 0-14).
- Definition source
Statistical handbook "Distribution of the permanent population in Ukraine by gender and age, as of January 1, 2009", Kyiv, SSC, p.6.
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Basic term (primary) - Population, under working age, in working age.
- Secondary (subordinate) terms - Live births, deaths, age.
- Contents and methodology
It is expressed as the ratio of the number of children (under working age) to the number of the population in working age.
- Statistical sources
The data of population censuses, calculations according to the data of the current accounting of the processes of natural (acts of civil status of the departments of Justice) and mechanical movement (residence registration (removal from the register) cards at the place of residence).
- Publications
1. Statistical handbook "Distribution of the permanent population in Ukraine by gender and age, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC (annual).![]()
City - a settlement with a compact real estate development on the territory of which are located industrial enterprises, processing enterprises, communal enterprises, housing stock, the network of social and cultural establishments and enterprises, which has developed social, communal and transport infrastructure and inhabitants of which are primarily engaged in administrative, industrial, commercial, social and cultural spheres and in the sphere of services.
- Definition source
Draft Law of Ukraine "On the Administrative and Territorial System of Ukraine".
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Basic term (primary) - Administrative-territorial division.
- Secondary (subordinate) terms - District in a city.
- Statistical unit - Administrative unit.
- Statistical sources
COATSU (Classifier of Objects of Administrative and Territorial System of Ukraine), resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, decisions of regional, district and city councils.
- Publications
1. Statistical handbook "The number of the actual population of Ukraine, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC(annual).
2. Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine", Kyiv, SSC.![]()
City with special status (CSS)
City with special status - a city of republican, regional importance.
- Definition source
Draft Law of Ukraine "On the Administrative and Territorial System of Ukraine".
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Basic term (primary) - Administrative-territorial division.
- Secondary (subordinate) terms - District in a city.
- Statistical unit - Administrative unit.
- Statistical sources
COATSU (Classifier of Objects of Administrative and Territorial System of Ukraine), resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, decisions of regional, district and city councils.
- Publications
1. Statistical handbook "The number of the actual population of Ukraine, as of January 1" Kyiv, SSC (annual).
2. Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine", Kyiv, SSC.![]()
Dead children (infant death rate) under 1 year of age
The ratio of infant deaths under 1 year of age per 10000 live births.
- Definition source
Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine, 2007", Kyiv, SSC, p.361.
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Basic term (primary) - Death rate.
- Secondary (subordinate) terms - Birth.
- Contents and methodology
It is computed (per 10000 live births) according to the expression:
ÊÍÑ =( ( Ì0+Ì") / N0 + Ì1 / N1) * 10000,
where Ì0 - the number of infant deaths under 1 year of age from the number of births in the year for which the coefficient is calculated;
Ì" - the number of infant deaths under 1 year of age with unknown year of birth;
Ì1 - the number of infant deaths under 1 year of age from the number of births in the previous year;
N0 - the number of births in the year for which the coefficient is calculated;
N1 - the number of birth in the previous year.
Ì= Ì0 + Ì" + Ì1 - the total number of infant deaths in the year for which the coefficient is calculated.
- Statistical unit - Person.
- Statistical sources
Calculations according to the data of the current accounting, acts of civil status of the departments of Justice: "Official records for death".
- Publications
1. Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine", Kyiv, SSC.
2. Statistical handbook "Distribution of the permanent population in Ukraine by gender and age, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC (annual).![]()
Deaths (death rate)
Death - the end of life in a biological organism.
- Definition source
Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine, 2007", Kyiv, SSC, p.361.
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Basic term (primary) - Death rate.
- Secondary (subordinate) terms - Dead births.
- Contents and methodology
Calculations according to the data of the current accounting, acts of civil status of the departments of Justice: "Official records for death" and "Official records for births" (for dead births). The data on the number of deaths (death rate) are based on the statistical processing of official records for death and official records for death for dead births.
- Statistical unit - Person.
- Statistical sources
The information sources on a death cause is a medical certificate of death, medical attendant certificate of death, the medical certificate of perinatal death on the basis of which corresponding information is entered in official records for death. The data on the number of deaths (death rate) are based on statistical processing of official records for death and official records for death for dead births.
- Publications
1. Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine", Kyiv, SSC.
2. Statistical handbook "Distribution of the permanent population in Ukraine by gender and age, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC (annual).![]()
District - an administrative-territorial unit the territory of which consists of citizens and has corresponding transport, informational and other infrastructure for the provision of common interests realization of these citizens and the population of which is provided with determined by law administrative and cultural services which objectively can not be provided in these communities.
- Definition source
Draft Law of Ukraine "On the Administrative and Territorial System of Ukraine".
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Basic term (primary) - Administrative-territorial division.
- Secondary (subordinate) terms - Cities, urban type settlements, village councils.
- Contents and methodology
A district is formed provided that on its territory as a rule reside not less than 70000 persons. By forming regions one takes into account the prospect of socio-economic development of the territory, budget capability and availability of infrastructure to meet needs of a population as well as a settlement that formed as socio-economical, cultural or religious centre for the inhabitants of surrounding settlements.
- Statistical unit - Administrative unit.
- Statistical sources
COATSU (Classifier of Objects of Administrative and Territorial System of Ukraine), resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, decisions of regional, district and city councils.
- Publications
1. Statistical handbook "The number of the actual population in Ukraine, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC (annual).
2. Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine", Kyiv, SSC![]()
District in a city
District in a city is an administrative division within the city's boundaries.
- Definition source
Draft Law of Ukraine "On the Administrative and Territorial System of Ukraine".
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Basic term (primary) - Administrate-territorial division.
- Contents and methodology
In certain cities having not less than 450 000 people can be formed districts in cities, not less than three, which are not independent administrate-territorial units. As a rule in a city district must live not less than 150 000 persons. By forming districts in a city and changing their boundaries the establishment of a significant disproportion between the indicators of the quality of services rendered to the population in districts in cities administrative, social and cultural services is not allowed.
- Statistical unit - Administrative unit.
- Statistical sources
COATSU (Classifier of Objects of Administrative and Territorial System of Ukraine), resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, decisions of regional, district and city councils.
- Publications
1. Statistical handbook "The number of the actual population in Ukraine, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC (annual).
2. Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine", Kyiv, SSC.![]()
Live births (live-born)
Until the 1 st of July 1996 as a live birth has been considered the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception, when the duration of a pregnancy lasted 28 weeks and more (a birthlength of 35 cm and over, a birthweight of 1000 g and over) which after such separation did at least one breathe. As a live birth has also been considered fetuces, which were born before 28 weeks of a pregnancy (a birthlength less than 35 cm and a birthweight less than 1000 g) and have lived more than 7 days (i.e. longer than a perinatal period).
- from the 1 st of July 1996 in Ukraine "a live birth is the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy, which after such separation breathes or shows any other evidence of life such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord or definite movement of voluntary muscles, whether or not the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is attached, regardless of gestation age. Every product of such a birth is considered as a live birth".
- from the 1 st of January 2007 "a live birth with a birthweight of 500 g or over (or if a birthweight at birth is unknown, with a birthlength of 25 cm and over, or when a pregnancy duration is 22 weeks or more); a live birth or born-dead with a birthweight of less than 500 g in the case of multifetus delivery if a pregnancy duration is 22 weeks or more; fetuses that were born before 22 week of a pregnancy (i.e. with birthlength of less than 25 cm and a birthweight of less than 500 g.) and have lived more than 7 full days (168 hours after the birth) as live-born at preterm delivery".
- Definition source
Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine, 2007", Kyiv, SSC, p.129.
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Basic term (primary) - Births.
- Contents and methodology
Calculated as the sum of age coefficients of birth rate across all age intervals, its size does not depend on the age structure of population and characterizes the level of birth rate in a calendar year for which it is determined.
- Statistical unit - Person.
- Statistical sources
Calculated according to the data of the current accounting, acts of civil status of the departments of Justice: "Official records for birth". Calculated by State Statistics Service of Ukraine.
- Publications
1. Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine", Kyiv, SSC.
2. Statistical handbook "Distribution of the permanent population in Ukraine by gender and age, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC (annual).![]()
Marriage - sanctioned and regulated by society form of relationship between man and woman, which defines their rights and obligations with respect to one another and against children.
- Definition source
Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine, 2007", Kyiv, SSC, p.77.
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Statistical unit - Person, couple of persons.
- Statistical sources
Calculations according to the data of the current accounting, acts of civil status of the departments of Justice: "Official records for marriage". The information about marriages is based on the statistical processing of the data contained in the duplicates of acts of civil status that are drawn up at the state registration authorities of acts of civil status. The current marriage records take into account only records drawn up legally.
- Publications
1. Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine", Kyiv, SSC.
2. Statistical handbook "Distribution of the permanent population of Ukraine by gender and age, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC (annual).![]()
Marriage dissolutions
Marriage dissolutions - the dissolution of marriage between a man and a woman for one or another reason.
- Definition source
Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine", Kyiv, SSC, p.77.
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Statistical unit - Person, couple of persons.
- Statistical sources
Calculations according to the data of the current accounting, acts of civil status of the departments of Justice: "Official records for divorce". The information about divorces is based on the statistical processing of the data contained in the duplicates of acts of civil status that are drawn up at the state registration authorities of acts of civil status. The current divorce records take into account only records drawn up legally.
- Publications
1. Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine", Kyiv, SSC.
2. Statistical handbook "Distribution of the permanent population of Ukraine by gender and age, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC (annual).![]()
Natural increase/decrease(+/-) of population
Natural increase/decrease (+/-) of population - changes in the number of the population due to natural movement of population within a certain territory for a specified period of time.
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Basic term (primary) - Population.
- Secondary (subordinate) terms - live births, deaths.
- Contents and methodology
It is calculated as the difference between the number of live births and deaths.
- Statistical unit - Person.
- Statistical sources
The acts of civil status of the departments of Justice: "Official records for birth" and "Official records for death". The acts of civil status of the departments of Justice.
- Publications
1. Statistical handbook "The number of the actual population in Ukraine, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC (annual).
2. Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine", Kyiv, SSC.![]()
Permanent population
Permanent population - is made up of persons who for a long time live on the territory of a certain settlement regardless of their availability at the time of registration taking into account temporary absentees.
- Definition source
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Basic term (primary) - Population.
- Secondary (subordinate) terms - Arrival, departure, births, deaths.
- Contents and methodology
ÏÍ=ÍÍ-ÒÏ+ÒÂ, where ÏÍ-permanent population, ÍÍ-actual population, ÒÏ-visitors, ÒÂ-temporary absentees, the number of the permanent population on the 1st of January of the current year is determined on the basis of the data at the beginning of the year taking into account natural and migration increase, as well as changes in the number of the population due to administrative-territorial transformations (ATT) for the previous year.
- Statistical unit - Person.
- Statistical sources
The data of population censuses, calculations according to the data of the current accounting of the processes of natural (acts of civil status of the departments of Justice) and mechanical movement (residence registration (removal from the register) cards at the place of residence).
- Publications
1. Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine", Kyiv, SSC.
2. Statistical handbook "Distribution of the permanent population in Ukraine by gender and age, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC (annual).![]()
Population density
Population density - a degree of population of a certain territory.
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Secondary (subordinate) terms - Area of a territory, the number of the actual population.
- Contents and methodology
It is calculated by dividing the number of the actual population by a territory area.
- Statistical sources
Areas of territories are determined according to the data of the Main Administration of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre. The estimated number of the population by the data of the State Statistics Committee and Main Statistical Offices.
- Publications
1. Statistical handbook "The number of the actual population in Ukraine, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC (annual).
2. Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine", Kyiv, SSC.![]()
Rural area
Rural area - a rural settlement with a status defined by legislative acts.
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Basic term (primary) - Settlement.
- Secondary (subordinate) terms - Village.
- Statistical unit - Administrative unit.
- Publications
1. Statistical handbook "The number of the actual population in Ukraine, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC (annual).
2. Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine", Kyiv, SSC.![]()
Rural settlement (RS)
Rural settlement - a settlement with predominantly rural estate buildings and a constant population composition that is mainly engaged in agriculture, forestry and fishery, handicrafts and primary processing of agricultural and fish products.
- Definition source
Draft Law of Ukraine "On the Administrative and Territorial System of Ukraine".
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Basic term (primary) - Administrative-territorial division.
- Statistical unit - Administrative unit.
- Statistical sources
COATSU (Classifier of Objects of Administrative and Territorial System of Ukraine), resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, decisions of regional, district and city councils.
- Publications
1. Statistical handbook "The number of the actual population in Ukraine, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC (annual).
2. Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine", Kyiv, SSC.![]()
Territory (area of a territory) - an area of land together with inland waters within the boundaries of a given area.
- Definition source
Draft Law of Ukraine "On the Administrative and Territorial System of Ukraine".
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Basic term (primary) - Area.
- Statistical unit - Area unit.
- Statistical sources
Area of territories is determined according to the data of the Main Administration of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre.
- Publications
1. Statistical handbook "The number of the actual population in Ukraine, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC (annual).
2. Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine", Kyiv, SSC.![]()
Total demographic burden
Demographic burden - a generalizing qualitative characteristic of the age structure of population showing burden on a society of unproductive (beyond working age) population.
- Definition source
Statistical handbook "Distribution of the permanent population in Ukraine by gender and age, as of January 1, 2009", Kyiv, SSC, p.6.
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Basic term (primary) - Population, under working age, above working age, in working ages.
- Secondary (subordinate) terms - live-born, dead, age.
- Contents and methodology
It is calculated as the ratio of the number of children (under working age), the number of persons in pension age (above working age) and their total sum to the number of population in working ages.
- Statistical sources
The data of population censuses, calculations according to the data of the current accounting of the processes of natural (acts of civil status of the departments of Justice) and mechanical movement (residence registration (removal from the register) cards at the place of residence).
- Publications
1. Statistical handbook "Distribution of the permanent population in Ukraine by gender and age, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC (annual).![]()
Urban area
Urban area - localities defined by legislative acts as cities/towns and urban type settlements.
- Definition source
Statistical handbook "The number of the population of Ukraine, as of January 1, 2009", Kyiv, SSC, 2009-2010, p.6.
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Basic term (primary) - Settlement/locality.
- Secondary (subordinate) terms - Cities, urban type settlements.
- Statistical unit - Administrative unit.
- Publications
1. Statistical handbook "The number of the actual population in Ukraine, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC (annual).
2. Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine", Kyiv, SSC.![]()
Urban and rural areas
Urban and rural areas - urban and rural settlements approved by legislative acts as cities/towns, urban type settlements and villages.
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Basic term (primary) - Locality.
- Secondary (subordinate) terms - Urban area, rural area.
- Statistical unit - Administrative unit.
- Publications
1. Statistical handbook "The number of the actual population in Ukraine, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC (annual).
2. Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine", Kyiv, SSC.![]()
Urban type settlement (UTS)
Urban type settlement - a settlement the formation and development of which are connected with location on its territory of industrial enterprises, enterprises producing and processing agricultural, forestry and fishery products, railway nodes, hydraulic and other constructions and objects, which has social and communal infrastructure, and whose inhabitants are engaged in industrial or socio-cultural spheres.
- Definition source
Draft Law of Ukraine "On the Administrative and Territorial System of Ukraine".
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Basic term (primary) - Administrative-territorial division.
- Statistical unit - Administrative unit.
- Statistical sources
COATSU (Classifier of Objects of Administrative and Territorial System of Ukraine), resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, decisions of regional, district and city councils.
- Publications
1. Statistical handbook "The number of the actual population in Ukraine, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC (annual).
2. Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine", Kyiv, SSC.![]()
Village council
Village council - an administrative-territorial unit formed on the basis of a single or several settlements and has a territorial boundaries defined by law and is a territorial base for the formation and activity of local self-government authorities of a community and providing to the community population defined by law the level of administrative, social and cultural services.
- Definition source
Draft Law of Ukraine "On the Administrative and Territorial System of Ukraine".
- Branch of statistics - Demographic statistics.
- Basic term (primary) - Administrative-territorial division.
- Secondary (subordinate) terms - Rural settlement (RS).
- Statistical unit - Administrative unit.
- Statistical sources
COATSU (Classifier of Objects of Administrative and Territorial System of Ukraine), resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, decisions of regional, district and city councils.
- Publications
1. Statistical handbook "The number of the actual population in Ukraine, as of January 1", Kyiv, SSC (annual).
2. Demographic yearbook "Population of Ukraine", Kyiv, SSC.![]()