Zakarpattia Oblast
Area | 12,8 thous. sq. km |
Number of resident population as of 01.01.2021 | 1250,1 thous. persons |
Share of urban population | 37,2 % |
Regional centre | Uzhhorod |
Administrative system | |
6 | districts |
64 | territorial communities |
11 | cities |
19 | urban-rural settlements |
578 | rural settlement |
Districts of the region | Number of resident population as of 01.01.2021, thous. persons |
Berehivskyi | 207,7 |
Mukachivskyi | 252,6 |
Rakhivskyi | 82,4 |
Tiachivskyi | 184,5 |
Uzhhorodskyi | 255,5 |
Khustskyi | 267,4 |