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 State Statistics Service of Ukraine
 Institute for Demography and Social Studies named after M.V. Ptukha of the NAS of Ukraine
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Demographic situation in Ukraine as of January-October 2010

(from "Report "Socio-economic situation in Ukraine as of January-November 2010" )

Ukraine's population was estimated at 45808.9 thsd. people on 1 st November 2010. During January-October 2010 the population decreased by 154.1 thsd. people that amounted to 4.o persons per 1000 population.

    The population decline by 157.0 thsd. people was exclusively due to natural decrease, at the same time the migration gain of 12.9 thsd. people was registered.

    In comparison with January-October 2009 the volume of a natural decrease increased by 12.5 thsd. people, or from 4.0 ‰ to 4,4 ‰. A natural decrease of the population was registered in 23 Ukraine`s regions, but only in Zakarpattya region, Kyiv city, Rivne and Volyn` regions a natural increase of the population (2839, 2661, 1910 and 659 people, respectively) was registered.

    A natural population movement in January-October 2010 was characterized by birth rate decrease and a significant excess of deaths over live births: 100 deaths per 71 live births.

  Total, thsd. January-October 2010 in % to January-October 2009 Per 1000 people1
January-October 2010 January-October 2009 January-October 2010 January-October 2009
Live births 415.9 432.4 96.2 10.9 11.3
incl. dead births 27432 28092 97.7 6.63 6.53
Deaths 582.9 586.9 99.3 15.3 15.3
incl. infants under 1 year of age 38412 40142 95.7 9.14 9.34
Natural decrease 167.0 154.5 108.1 4.4 4.0
Marriages 264.9 276.0 96.0 6.9 7.2
Divorces 111.85 120.0 õ 2.95 3.1

1Here and further the figures are given per year
3 Per 1000 live births and dead births
4 Per 1000 live births
5 From July 2010 according to the data of the state organs of registration of acts of civil status

     There was a significant difference in the birth rate between Ukraine's regions: from 8.9 ‰ in Sumy region to 14.9 ‰ in Rivne region that reflect the data in the table below.

Birth rate, ‰
Regions with corresponding birth rate
10.9 Ukraine
Up to 9.9 Sumy, Luhans`k, Chernihiv, Donets`k, Poltava, Kharkiv, Cherkasy
9.9–10.8 Zaporizhzhya, Kirovohrad, Vinnytsya, Dnipropetrovs`k
10.9–11.8 Mykolayiv, Khmel`nyts`kyyi, Ternopil`, Sevastopol` (city council), L`viv, Kherson, Zhytomyr, Kyiv city, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Kyiv
11.9–12.8 Ivano-Frankivs`k, Odesa, Chernivtsi
Over 12.8 Volyn`, Zakarpattya, Rivne

   The death rate in comparison with the period January-September 2009 remained unchanged and amounted to 15.3 ‰. The highest death rate was registered in Chernihiv region (19.7‰), the lowest - in Kyiv city (10.4‰).

Death rate, ‰ Regions with corresponding death rate
15.3 Ukraine
Up to 14.4 Kyiv city, Zakarpattya, Ivano-Frankivs`k, L`viv
Rivne, Chernivtsi, Volyn`, Ternopil`
14.4–15.3 Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol` (city council), Kherson, Odesa
15.4–16.3 Kharkiv, Khmel`nyts`kyyi, Mykolayiv, Vinnytsya, Zaporizhzhya
16.4–17.3 Zhytomyr, Dnipropetrovs`k, Kyiv, Donets`k, Cherkasy, Luhans`k, Kirovohrad
Over 17.3 Sumy, Poltava, Chernihiv

    In January-October 2010 there were registered 2743 dead births that is by 66 cases less compared to the corresponding period of last year. The number of infant deaths under 1 year of age decreased by 173 cases.

    The leading causes of infant death under 1 year of age were certain conditions arising in the perinatal period; congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities (congenital abnormalities); diseases of the nervous system; external death causes; diseases of the respiratory system; some infection and parasitic diseases as illustrated in figure below. There remains a significant part of infants (4.3 %.) whose death cause remained unestablished.

     In the structure of death causes of the population of Ukraine in the period January-October 2010 as in the same period of 2009 the diseases of blood circulatory system ranked first, neoplasms followed second and external causes took third.

  People In% to the total Per 100 thsd. people 1
January-October 2010 January-October 2009 January-October 2010 January-October 2009 January-October 2010 January-October 2009
Total deaths 582864 586854 100.0 100.0 1525.1 1529.4
incl. due to
diseases of blood circulatory system
388256 382117 66.6 65.1 1015.9 995.8
malignant neoplasms or cancer 73809 73575 12.7 12.5 193.1 191.7
external causes 36068 40541 6.2 6.9 94.4 105.7
incl. due to
lethal traffic accidents
4783 5357 0.8 0.9 12.5 14.0
accidental drownings and submersions 2987 2842 0.5 0.5 7.8 7.4
accidental poisonings and effects of alcohol 3284 4673 0.6 0.8 8.6 12.2
intentional self-harm 7701 8505 1.3 1.4 20.2 22.2
consequences of an attack with the intention of murder or injury 2314 2585 0.4 0.4 6.1 6.7
diseases of the digestive system 22260 25063 3.8 4.3 58.2 65.3
diseases of the respiratory system 16095 17095 2.8 2.9 42.1 44.6

    In January-October 2010 in Ukraine the migration gain increased by 2.2 thsd. people in comparison with the same period of 2009. The migration gain increase of the population was registered in 12 regions and decrease in 15 regions.

  Total, thsd. January-October 2010
in % to
January-October 2009
Per 1000 people1
January-October 2010 January-October 2009 January-October 2010 January-October 2009
All migration flows
Internal migration 570.1 537.1 106.1 15 14
External migration 557,2 526.4 105.9 14.6 13.7
migration increase (decrease) 12.9 10.7 120.5 0.4 0.3
Internal migration
arrival 545.0 510.1 106.9 14.3 13.3
departure 545.0 510.1 106.9 14.3 13.3
migration increase (decrease) õ õ õ õ õ
External migration
arrival 25.1 27.0 92.8 0.7 0.7
departure 12.2 16.3 74.7 0.3 0.4
migration increase (decrease) 12.9 10.7 120.5 0.4 0.3

   Almost half of people arrived in Ukraine have registered their place of residence in 5 regions: Odesa, Kyiv city, Autonomic Republic of Crimea, Donets`k and Dnipropetrovs`k regions.

    Among those who arrived in Ukraine in the period January-October 2010 the immigrants from the CIS countries constituted 77.7%, from other countries – 22.3%. Among those who left Ukraine 51.3% moved to the CIS countries and 48.7% - to other countries.

Databank | All-Ukrainian population census | References
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