Банк даних Державної служби статистики України | Databank of State Statistics Service of Ukraine        Change to smaller text size Change to larger text size

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Distribution of permanent population by gender, basic age groups, male-female ratio and average age of population in Ukraine
  1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Whole population, persons 51 556 51351 300 43149 114 95047 100 46246 749 17046 465 69146 192 30945 963 35945 782 59245 598 17945 453 28245 372 69245 245 89442 759 66142 590 87942 414 90542 216 76641 983 56441 732 77941 418 71740 997 698
   of which                      
   -males 23 826 19623 792 36122 754 66221 753 99321 574 66721 434 68021 297 67821 184 93221 107 06721 032 61620 976 71220 962 74420 918 28819 787 82619 717 88119 644 58019 558 18019 455 27219 343 44019 195 37619 006 979
   -females 27 730 31727 508 07026 360 28825 346 46925 174 50325 031 01124 894 63124 778 42724 675 52524 565 56324 476 57024 409 94824 327 60622 971 83522 872 99822 770 32522 658 58622 528 29222 389 33922 223 34121 990 719
Share in whole population, %                      
   males 46,246,446,346,246,146,146,146,146,146,146,146,246,246,346,346,346,346,346,446,346,4
   females 53,853,653,753,853,953,953,953,953,953,953,953,853,853,753,753,753,753,753,653,753,6
Males per 1000 females 859865863858857856855855855856857859860861862863863864864864864
Basic age groups of population, persons                      
   at age                      
   0-14 year 11 084 19710 528 6588 780 9776 989 8026 764 6826 606 4396 501 0916 476 1886 483 5606 495 9906 531 5316 620 5986 710 6896 449 1716 494 2936 535 5366 530 4906 480 9796 386 7566 279 7696 119 886
   15-64 year 34 297 72833 810 65033 515 07432 603 47532 417 34032 256 19432 184 51432 169 79532 130 17032 136 96831 993 31131 846 77631 606 37429 634 71029 327 72429 011 83528 719 00628 468 03428 199 52427 927 75827 646 706
   65 years and over 6 174 5886 961 1236 818 8997 507 1857 567 1487 603 0587 506 7047 317 3767 168 8626 965 2216 928 4406 905 3186 928 8316 675 7806 768 8626 867 5346 967 2707 034 5517 146 4997 211 1907 231 106
Average age of population, years                      
   both genders 36,637,238,439,539,739,840,040,140,240,340,440,540,640,740,941,141,341,641,842,142,2
    males 33,734,535,736,837,037,137,237,337,437,537,637,737,837,938,138,338,538,739,039,239,4
    females 39,039,640,741,842,042,242,342,542,642,742,842,943,043,143,343,543,844,044,344,544,7
Data as of 1 January of the corresponding year.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Українська English

Databank has been implemented with the PX-Web technology.

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