Databank is in the stage of filling up and testing.
Distribution of permanent population by gender, basic age groups, male-female ratio and average age of population in Ukraine 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Whole population, persons 51 556 513 51 300 431 49 114 950 47 100 462 46 749 170 46 465 691 46 192 309 45 963 359 45 782 592 45 598 179 45 453 282 45 372 692 45 245 894 42 759 661 42 590 879 42 414 905 42 216 766 41 983 564 41 732 779 41 418 717 40 997 698 of which -males 23 826 196 23 792 361 22 754 662 21 753 993 21 574 667 21 434 680 21 297 678 21 184 932 21 107 067 21 032 616 20 976 712 20 962 744 20 918 288 19 787 826 19 717 881 19 644 580 19 558 180 19 455 272 19 343 440 19 195 376 19 006 979 -females 27 730 317 27 508 070 26 360 288 25 346 469 25 174 503 25 031 011 24 894 631 24 778 427 24 675 525 24 565 563 24 476 570 24 409 948 24 327 606 22 971 835 22 872 998 22 770 325 22 658 586 22 528 292 22 389 339 22 223 341 21 990 719 Share in whole population, % males 46,2 46,4 46,3 46,2 46,1 46,1 46,1 46,1 46,1 46,1 46,1 46,2 46,2 46,3 46,3 46,3 46,3 46,3 46,4 46,3 46,4 females 53,8 53,6 53,7 53,8 53,9 53,9 53,9 53,9 53,9 53,9 53,9 53,8 53,8 53,7 53,7 53,7 53,7 53,7 53,6 53,7 53,6 Males per 1000 females 859 865 863 858 857 856 855 855 855 856 857 859 860 861 862 863 863 864 864 864 864 Basic age groups of population, persons at age 0-14 year 11 084 197 10 528 658 8 780 977 6 989 802 6 764 682 6 606 439 6 501 091 6 476 188 6 483 560 6 495 990 6 531 531 6 620 598 6 710 689 6 449 171 6 494 293 6 535 536 6 530 490 6 480 979 6 386 756 6 279 769 6 119 886 15-64 year 34 297 728 33 810 650 33 515 074 32 603 475 32 417 340 32 256 194 32 184 514 32 169 795 32 130 170 32 136 968 31 993 311 31 846 776 31 606 374 29 634 710 29 327 724 29 011 835 28 719 006 28 468 034 28 199 524 27 927 758 27 646 706 65 years and over 6 174 588 6 961 123 6 818 899 7 507 185 7 567 148 7 603 058 7 506 704 7 317 376 7 168 862 6 965 221 6 928 440 6 905 318 6 928 831 6 675 780 6 768 862 6 867 534 6 967 270 7 034 551 7 146 499 7 211 190 7 231 106 Average age of population, years both genders 36,6 37,2 38,4 39,5 39,7 39,8 40,0 40,1 40,2 40,3 40,4 40,5 40,6 40,7 40,9 41,1 41,3 41,6 41,8 42,1 42,2 males 33,7 34,5 35,7 36,8 37,0 37,1 37,2 37,3 37,4 37,5 37,6 37,7 37,8 37,9 38,1 38,3 38,5 38,7 39,0 39,2 39,4 females 39,0 39,6 40,7 41,8 42,0 42,2 42,3 42,5 42,6 42,7 42,8 42,9 43,0 43,1 43,3 43,5 43,8 44,0 44,3 44,5 44,7 Footnote:
Data as of 1 January of the corresponding year.
Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.
Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.
Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.
Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.
Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.
Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.
Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.
Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.
Українська English
Databank has been implemented with the PX-Web technology.