Банк даних Державної служби статистики України | Databank of State Statistics Service of Ukraine        Change to smaller text size Change to larger text size

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Number of administrative territorial divisions in Ukraine
  1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Districts 479489490490490490490490490490490490490490490490490490490140140
Territorial community --------------932164586868411 4691 469
Cities 436445448456457458458459459459459460460460460460461461461461461
   of them cities of a special status, republican, regional importance 14516517017817817917917917918018018018218418718918918918922
City districts 120120121118118118118118118118114111111111111111108108108108108
Urban type settlements 927909894886885886886886885885885885885885885885883883882882881
Village councils 8 99610 09710 25310 28110 28110 27910 27910 27810 27810 27810 27810 27910 27910 279...............--
Rural localities 28 80428 86428 73928 58528 56228 54028 50428 49028 47128 45728 45028 44128 39728 38828 38528 37728 37828 37628 37628 37228 369
Data as of 1 January of the corresponding year.
Information source: the official web-portal of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Українська English

Databank has been implemented with the PX-Web technology.

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