Банк даних Державної служби статистики України | Databank of State Statistics Service of Ukraine        Change to smaller text size Change to larger text size

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Print table
Distribution of permanent population by gender and area type (persons)
Urban and rural areas urban area rural area
Both genders males females Both genders males females Both genders males females
1989 51 452 03423 745 10827 706 92634 297 23115 981 44218 315 78917 154 8037 763 6669 391 137
1990 51 556 51323 826 19627 730 31734 535 56416 108 11018 427 45417 020 9497 718 0869 302 863
1991 51 623 54723 886 55127 736 99634 703 09916 197 60718 505 49216 920 4487 688 9449 231 504
1992 51 708 23423 949 44427 758 79034 869 58316 283 04918 586 53416 838 6517 666 3959 172 256
1993 51 870 43024 046 29027 824 14034 997 21616 347 96418 649 25216 873 2147 698 3269 174 888
1994 51 715 37523 981 04527 734 33034 878 83416 286 05318 592 78116 836 5417 694 9929 141 549
1995 51 300 43123 792 36127 508 07034 545 53116 121 47318 424 05816 754 9007 670 8889 084 012
1996 50 874 10423 591 55627 282 54834 204 77415 945 37118 259 40316 669 3307 646 1859 023 145
1997 50 400 04123 366 19327 033 84833 837 54915 752 17118 085 37816 562 4927 614 0228 948 470
1998 49 973 48823 163 46426 810 02433 529 82815 588 39517 941 43316 443 6607 575 0698 868 591
1999 49 544 80822 963 44726 581 36133 215 07415 421 12317 793 95116 329 7347 542 3248 787 410
2000 49 114 95022 754 66226 360 28832 930 62715 262 04817 668 57916 184 3237 492 6148 691 709
2001 48 663 60922 530 40226 133 20732 607 13015 081 47217 525 65816 056 4797 448 9308 607 549
2002 48 240 90222 316 31725 924 58532 290 72914 903 59217 387 13715 950 1737 412 7258 537 448
2003 47 823 10822 112 53425 710 57432 072 71614 782 83717 289 87915 750 3927 329 6978 420 695
2004 47 442 07921 926 80925 515 27031 890 87614 681 36517 209 51115 551 2037 245 4448 305 759
2005 47 100 46221 753 99325 346 46931 753 73014 599 92017 153 81015 346 7327 154 0738 192 659
2006 46 749 17021 574 66725 174 50331 622 12014 519 65217 102 46815 127 0507 055 0158 072 035
2007 46 465 69121 434 68025 031 01131 521 75114 460 75617 060 99514 943 9406 973 9247 970 016
2008 46 192 30921 297 67824 894 63131 413 14114 398 35317 014 78814 779 1686 899 3257 879 843
2009 45 963 35921 184 93224 778 42731 331 58714 349 74216 981 84514 631 7726 835 1907 796 582
2010 45 782 59221 107 06724 675 52531 269 16414 317 88316 951 28114 513 4286 789 1847 724 244
2011 45 598 17921 032 61624 565 56331 186 01814 278 61916 907 39914 412 1616 753 9977 658 164
2012 45 453 28220 976 71224 476 57031 125 24314 248 77316 876 47014 328 0396 727 9397 600 100
2013 45 372 69220 962 74424 409 94831 123 00714 259 60016 863 40714 249 6856 703 1447 546 541
2014 45 245 89420 918 28824 327 60631 080 99114 244 42416 836 56714 164 9036 673 8647 491 039
2015 42 759 66119 787 82622 971 83529 434 31613 503 12615 931 19013 325 3456 284 7007 040 645
2016 42 590 87919 717 88122 872 99829 346 15513 463 65815 882 49713 244 7246 254 2236 990 501
2017 42 414 90519 644 58022 770 32529 243 51613 418 65015 824 86613 171 3896 225 9306 945 459
2018 42 216 76619 558 18022 658 58629 132 19113 363 80815 768 38313 084 5756 194 3726 890 203
2019 41 983 56419 455 27222 528 29229 017 89213 307 24415 710 64812 965 6726 148 0286 817 644
2020 41 732 77919 343 44022 389 33928 900 53313 249 92315 650 61012 832 2466 093 5176 738 729
2021 41 418 71719 195 37622 223 34128 720 72313 158 32815 562 39512 697 9946 037 0486 660 946
2022 40 997 69819 006 97921 990 71928 454 84513 034 23215 420 61312 542 8535 972 7476 570 106
Data as of 1 January of the corresponding year.

Information is given on the basis of the data of population census on January 12, 1989.

Information is given on the basis of the data of population census on December 5, 2001.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Українська English

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