Банк даних Державної служби статистики України | Databank of State Statistics Service of Ukraine        Change to smaller text size Change to larger text size

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Print table
Number and structure of actual population by area type
Urban and rural areas, persons urban area, persons rural area, persons urban area, % rural area, %
1989 51 706 70034 587 60017 119 10066,933,1
1990 51 838 50034 869 20016 969 30067,332,7
1991 51 944 40035 085 20016 859 20067,532,5
1992 52 056 60035 296 90016 759 70067,832,2
1993 52 244 10035 471 00016 773 10067,932,1
1994 52 114 40035 400 70016 713 70067,932,1
1995 51 728 40035 118 80016 609 60067,932,1
1996 51 297 10034 767 90016 529 20067,832,2
1997 50 818 40034 387 50016 430 90067,732,3
1998 50 370 80034 048 20016 322 60067,632,4
1999 49 918 10033 702 10016 216 00067,532,5
2000 49 429 80033 338 60016 091 20067,432,6
2001 48 923 20032 951 70015 971 50067,432,6
2002 48 457 10232 574 37115 882 73167,232,8
2003 48 003 46332 328 35115 675 11267,332,7
2004 47 622 43432 146 46615 475 96867,532,5
2005 47 280 81732 009 32015 271 49767,732,3
2006 46 929 52531 877 71015 051 81567,932,1
2007 46 646 04631 777 36714 868 67968,131,9
2008 46 372 66431 668 75714 703 90768,331,7
2009 46 143 71431 587 20314 556 51168,531,5
2010 45 962 94731 524 79514 438 15268,631,4
2011 45 778 53431 441 64914 336 88568,731,3
2012 45 633 63731 380 87414 252 76368,831,2
2013 45 553 04731 378 63914 174 40868,931,1
2014 45 426 24931 336 62314 089 62669,031,0
2015 42 929 29829 673 11313 256 18569,130,9
2016 42 760 51629 584 95213 175 56469,230,8
2017 42 584 54229 482 31313 102 22969,230,8
2018 42 386 40329 370 99513 015 40869,330,7
2019 42 153 20129 256 69612 896 50569,430,6
2020 41 902 41629 139 34612 763 07069,530,5
2021 41 588 35428 959 53612 628 81869,630,4
2022 41 167 33528 693 70812 473 62769,730,3
Data as of 1 January of the corresponding year.
Abbreviations and conventional symbols:
% - percent

Information is given on the basis of the data of population census on January 12, 1989.

Information is given on the basis of the data of population census on December 5, 2001.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Excluding the temporarily occupied territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. The number of population (estimation) is calculated according to the available administrative data on the official birth and death registration including changes in registration of the residence.

Українська English

Databank has been implemented with the PX-Web technology.

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