Databank is in the stage of filling up and testing.
Databank of State Statistics Service of Ukraine
You can use the databank without installing PC-Axis if you only view the tables on screen or download in other file formats. The databank contains information on the basic statistical indicators, which is presented as dynamic tables.
Statistical information is grouped by thematic sections. Each section is presented hierarchically by groups; concurrently there is a possiblity to open all themes of the section or a certain group.
Attention ! The time period and territorial level to which the information is accessible are presented along with the names of the themes.
Territorial level of information presentation:
(1)=Region and towns of state importance
(3)=Towns of regional importanc, rural councils, towns, uts
Select by searching for text
Українська English
Databank has been implemented with the PX-Web technology.